Why is women’s sexual health so understudied?

Nearly half of humanity has triumphed. in the field of medicine. It has been found, lost, and then recovered, but it's often brushed off as an afterthought and frequently viewed as humiliating. The clitoris is thought to be the only organ that exists entirely for sexual gratification, yet it is also an essential component of female anatomy, just as sexual health is essential to general well-being. Why then are the clitoris and the sexual health of those who possess them still so poorly understood? Dr. Rachel Rubin, a urologist and sexual health expert, and Rachel Gross, a scientific journalist and the author of the book "Vagina Obscura," will be joining me to discuss.

Ms. Rachel Gross, You will be my starting point. Why are we so ignorant of the clitoris, and by we I mean doctors, scholars, and the general public?

Author of "Vagina Obscura," Rachel Gross: I agree that this has a lengthy history. In comparison to masculine bodies, female bodies are often far less well-known. And some of that can be attributed to the questioners. As a result, throughout medical history, several male anatomies were developed to help males see the world from their viewpoint. One way that men viewed women was as walking wombs or machine-like pregnant women. And that meant that the clitoris, which is all about sexual pleasure, had a totally different emphasis. Therefore, I believe that we are still getting over those mindsets. And there is still a great deal of stigma and shame.
